[pinit count=”vertical” url=”https://thecelebrationshoppe.com/2012/10/21/5-secrets-to-building-a-business/” image_url=”https://thecelebrationshoppe.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/95/2012/10/5-secrets-to-building-a-successful-business1.jpg” description=”5 secrets to building a successful business from the ground up ~ Highlights from Bloggy Boot Camp with blog.thecelebrationshoppe.com” float=”right”]
A few weeks ago I shared that I’ll be speaking at the last stop on this year’s Bloggy Boot Camp tour. Honestly, I’m incredibly honored that these smart ladies want me to share what I’ve learned over the past four years.
It’s been a great road, at times a bit bumpy, but great. I like to call those bumps learning opportunities… oh, and did I learn! Just know, if any business owner tells you it’s all cupcakes and rainbows they’re fibbing. I’m just thankful I have a super supportive husband, kids that don’t mind holiday parties (where they’re photographed from all angles) three months before the real holiday and some wonderful entrepreneur (bloggers and store owner) girlfriends that I can vent to and ask advice from. Oh, and my masters in marketing has come in handy a time or two too as well. {smile}
That said, you don’t need a masters in marketing, or a masters in anything for that matter, to be a successful business owner. And since I doubt I’ll get to see each of your lovely smiling faces in Chicago (although I’d love to if you can get away for a weekend on November 2!), I thought I would outline the highlights of what I’ll be sharing.
It’s not rocket science, but it’s all very true. These are five secrets to building a successful business from the ground up:
- Do what you LOVE, not like, LOVE – anything less and you won’t have the passion to see your company through. The good days are easy, it’s those bad ones that will kill your ambition.
- Business plan, have one – it doesn’t have to be an elaborate 80 page brief, but you do have to have one. It will help you stay focused and it will force you to articulate your goals.
- Value yourself – if you don’t, no one else will, including brands. Do the math. Your time, your creativity, your opinions and your reach are all critical factors in setting your “value.”
- Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid of no – if I was afraid of hearing no I would never have been featured in Parents, All You, Better Homes and Gardens, etc., because they didn’t come to me. I pursued them. Have I heard no? Of course I have! But you can’t be afraid of it.
- There is nothing better than the “REAL” you – this one is hard for business owners and bloggers in the early days, but I’m here to tell you that if you’re not “real” I’m not reading you, watching you, following you, and neither is anyone else. You can be inspired by others, but don’t be intimidated by them and don’t mimic them. We all started somewhere.
I’ll be diving into each of these in much more depth at Bloggy Boot Camp Brand Edition and if you’re planning to come, please introduce yourself!! I’d love to meet you!!
And if you can’t, but you want to learn more about the business of blogging, visit the SITS Girls for daily inspiration and tips. They cover everything from how to pitch a brand to how to make the most of your WordPress account.
Happy Sunday everyone!
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