I posted last Monday that I was off to meet Martha Stewart for the second annual Dreamers Into Doers event in New York City. I admittedly expected it to be exciting, entertaining, and to get the opportunity to peek in her prop rooms (not that I did that…), but what I didn’t fully expect was how much I would enjoy spending time with so many talented and mentally beautiful women entrepreneurs. They were beautiful on the outside too, as you can see from these pictures, but I was so inspired to find that they were equally lovely on the inside. I’m excited to say that I made many, many new friends.
These pics in this top collage were all taken at the Meet & Greet on the first night. In the top picture, left to right starting in back: Andrea & Toni of The TomKat Studio, Lindi of Love The Day, me, Jill of Modern Cupcake, Kim of The TomKat Studio, Nancy of A to Zebra Celebrations. Front row: Courtney of Pizzazzerie, Caryl of ROAR Events, Kelly of The Party Dress, Rebecca of Fresh Chick Design Studio and Andrea of Dolce Drive.
The next picture is me and the very sweet (she’s a southern girl like me!) Courtney of Pizzazzerie. On the left top is Caryl of ROAR events and the spunky (and hilarious even if she doesn’t think so) Rebecca of Fresh Chick Design. On the bottom is me again (sorry… there are a bunch of me) with Nancy of A to Zebra Celebrations.
Day 1 of the Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers agenda was packed with MSLO editors speaking on a number of inspiring topics. I wish I had pics of the speakers, but as you can tell from the varying quality of the images they’re not all from the same camera. My new girlfriends shared with me because I didn’t haul my SLR all the way to NY like I should have! Anyway, I digress…
Top image is from the entry to the the MSLO headquarters. Second row, left: Me, the lovely Caitlin Losey (community experience editor for Dreamers into Doers) and Rebecca. Second row, right: No need to tell you that is THE Martha. She was talking to us about philanthropy. Third row, left: me… again… Kelly and Rebecca. Fourth row, left: Jennifer of Passion for Parties and Nikki of Nikki in Stitches (both absolutely darling ladies!) Fourth row, right: me with the sweet Danielle of A Few Of My Favorite Things.
We ate at a fabulous little pizza joint on Tuesday night called Ovest (a Martha Stewart recommendation via Caitlin). I wish I had a pic of that, but I think we must have been too involved in the yummy pizza to take many.
Oh and day two… well I think the pics tell it all! We attended a live taping of the Martha Stewart Show and were seated in the front row. It was absolutely fabulous and the episode was perfect. There were crafts, flowers and cooking all wrapped up in what they called the ReMARTHAble episode. I think we all fit the bill pretty well. {wink} After the show during lunch I had the opportunity to meet the editorial director of holiday and crafts, Hannah Milman. Honestly, it was a highlight for me. She was not only generous with her time, she was very humble and just a joy to speak with.
Top row, left: The sign outside the studio. Top row, right: Courtney, Nancy and me. Second row: Courtney, me, Rebecca and Caryl standing in front of one of the many Martha images in the studio waiting room. Third row: Me asking Martha a question after the show was over! (I asked about how to care for my grandmother’s quilts. She recently passed and I want to make sure and take care of the treasures she left me.) Fourth row, left: Nancy and I seated in the front row. Fourth, right: We were seated right next to the lovely Kelly of The Party Dress and Vana of Le Papier Studio. Fifth row: A shot of the beautiful flowers discussed during the show. Sixth row, left: The darling Anders & Ruff duo and me. Sixth row, right: The very talented and breath of fresh air Stacy of Scrumptious Swirls and the sweetie Andria again.
There were so many other talented ladies present and I so wish I had pictures of all of them to share with you. AND there were so many talented friends that didn’t make it to New York. I won’t name names because I inevitably would leave someone out and then I would feel terrible so I’ll just say “Thank you so much to Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia for being so very generous!”
I’m now at BlissDom, a fabulous blogging conference in Nashville. I’ll share this event with you next week. Happy Thursday everyone!