I’m really excited about the new farm birthday party theme that we’ve got in the works. I’m hoping to launch it on Monday, September 21, if the sun holds out for a nice photo shoot this weekend. {wink}
In honor of our farm animal friends, I went in search of some fun cakes and I have to say Kara of Kara’s Party Ideas had some of the cutest!
For the pig she used pink frosting, pink malt balls, pink snowballs, pink necco’s, junior mints, & M&M‘s. And Kara says the pig “did have a tail (string licorice tied in a not) but some little one got to it before this pic was taken :)…”
For the sheep she used chocolate and vanilla frosting, marshmallows, coco puffs, junior mints (for the eyes), a malt ball (for the nose) and string licorice for the mouth.
For the for the cow she used chocolate flavored skittles (who knew they come in cream & browns!), red gummy fruit slices for the ears, malt balls and string licorice.
Oh, and the other picture some of the super cute favors she gave to her little guests. She has lots more pictures so make sure and stop over at the Kara’s Party Ideas blog to see the rest of her barnyard bash. Great job Kara!