In this world of IMs, Tweets and Facebook, the art of a handwritten note can get lost in the shuffle. I know I’m guilty of it. That’s why I’m excited to introduce the “Get Carded Challenge” from Hallmark — a fun way to help us connect and re-connect with the special people in our lives “just because.”
For me, I have a 94 year old grandfather, who is thankfully healthy and still lives in the home (in Alabama, some 800 miles from me) he and my grandmother raised their children in. My grandmother passed away a few years ago (I still miss her terribly and I’m sure he does too) and he’s now living alone. Not being of the generation of computers, cell phones and the internet, my dad and I call him every day just to check in. The conversations are sometimes shorter than I would like (in this world of running a company, being a chauffeur to two boys, sports, etc., etc.) so when this offer came my way I knew exactly who I wanted to send my cards to.
Getting mail, especially unexpected mail, with a sweet note and maybe even a picture inside of the family, can really brighten someone’s day. I encourage us all to pause from time to time and reach out to those we love and those we rarely get to spend time with.
And this giveaway, an assortment of 14 Hallmark cards (including postage) PLUS two recordable storybooks, is just the way to get started. You may recall my post on the recordable storybooks from January. They are a brilliant idea! My dad lives near my grandfather (again, some 800 miles away) and how wonderful it would be for him to be able to read my boys a story anytime they wanted! I know what you’re thinking, why don’t I give him mine… NOPE! I like the idea that if something were to happen to me, I could still read my little ones a story anytime they wanted. He’ll just have to get them one for Christmas! {wink}
- Tell us who you will reconnect with using the cards if you win.
- To earn a second entry, Like Hallmark on Facebook (make sure to leave a comment here!)
- To earn a third entry, Like The Celebration Shoppe on Facebook (make sure to leave a comment here!)
- To earn a fourth entry, Follow The Celebration Shoppe on Twitter and tell all your twitter peeps about this giveaway. Sample tweet: Enter Hallmark’s Get Carded Challenge at @celebshoppe {$100 value} and reconnect with someone you love!
Deadline to Enter is Wednesday, September 21. {Open to U.S. residents only.} THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED! VIA RANDOM.ORG, THE WINNER IS #25, Mayra.