[pinit count=”vertical” url=”https://thecelebrationshoppe.com/2012/07/16/host-a-bbq-bash-with-free-printables/” image_url=”https://thecelebrationshoppe.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/95/2012/07/Free-BBQ-Party-Printables-From-thecelebrationshoppe.com_.jpg” description=”Host a BBQ Bash with FREE party printables from thecelebrationshoppe.com ~ includes napkin rings, straw slips and placecards” float=”right”]Summer is zooming by and I still have so much that I want to do! One of which is have friends over for a big BBQ with a campfire for roasting s’ mores after sunset. It’s on my summer bucket list. {grin}
As I was thinking about decor, I pulled these images out of the archive. I contributed to an article in Mom magazine a few years ago and designed these summer party printables for the shoot.
And of course I’m giving them to you.
I also made these fun DIY kid aprons for the shoot, the perfect backyard BBQ favor for the little ones.
As always, I hope you’re inspired to craft bake and create! Happy Monday!
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