The fourth of July is just around the corner and we always roast s’ mores before the fireworks. This year I think we might add the fixin’s to make Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup S’ Mores. They are amazing!
The ingredients are just what you think… graham crackers, marshmallows and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Easy peasy.
And what’s best, you don’t have to wait until the fourth of July or any other holiday if you want one now. My kids and I make skillet s’ mores at least once a week. {grin}
This particular skillet is cast iron and it’s original purpose was to bake homemade biscuits. My southern grandmother seasoned it and gave it to me, among other things, as a wedding gift. I use it almost every day. Oh how I miss her…
And to serve, I trimmed red, white and blue sandwich sleeves from World Market into 3×3″ pockets. This keeps all the yummy… gooey… chocolate, peanut butter and marshmallow from running away. These fun little baskets are from World Market too.
As always, I hope you’re inspired to craft, bake, create and celebrate!