The other thing I’ve been obsessing about (other than the lunch box) is the calendar! There is so much to keep track of when the little people go back to school.
For us, my boys are at two separate schools (with dropoff/pickup at different times) on different days, plus sports, plus homework reminders, plus special projects due, plus snack day… and on and on. And if you have small kids, you know that all school reminders, like XYZ project due date, are as much your responsibility as it is theirs! What happens if you don’t remind them to get it done?! Yep… it’s your fault.
So these are a few freebies that I found around the web:
- Week-At-A-Glance from MommyTracked – I love that I can put the whole family on it
- Goal Making 101 from Jana Laurene – not by person, but pretty and will keep us organized… if I can only get everyone to write smaller. {wink}
And then there are the DIY kind, which might work best for us because then I can make it how I want. Chalkboard is fun! But where would I put it? And would someone accidentally erase something important to draw a picture of their favorite toy? Hmmm…
- Weekly chalkboard calendar (featured on Ohdeedoh and designed by Pinch Design)
- Monthly chalkboard calendar from Living, Inc.
I want pretty and functional. Is that too much to ask?