I was browsing the web a few weeks ago and stumbled across this beautiful baby shower hosted by Abby Welker of A Feathered Nest. I got in touch with her immediately to see if I could share this adorable strawberry-themed baby shower she created for her sister-in-law. From the super sweet invitations to the delectable dessert table, this fabulous party is just bursting with berries!
I absolutely love the little touches! The tiered stand of lovely dipped strawberries and the cheery flower arrangement are sweet and simple, yet make such an impact.
But my personal favorite are the flower arrangements Abby used to welcome her guest along the walkway; using a simple tree branch, mason jars and raffia. The result is adorable! Plus, Abby shares a “how to” on her Pinterest-inspired idea!
You must pop on over to A Feathered Nest and see more of Abby’s berrylicious baby shower!
As always, I hope you’re inspired!