As a mom of two boys (and statistics show that boys read less as they get older), I’ve made reading a bit of a fun requirement around our house. As a matter of fact, my boys see it as a punishment if we don’t get a bedtime story or two… or three. Honestly, it’s a bit of a disappointment for me too so I think it might have happened once in the past six years!
And now that my oldest is six, I encourage him to read to me. I love it. I love hearing him sound out the words and make mistakes. It’s adorable. My youngest, age four, loves a good book too and snuggles up with me every chance we get.
So as summer is approaching we’ve already started to plan what day we’ll move our regular library trips to (since we can go in the middle of the day then, yay!), and I’ve started thinking about fun ways to celebrate books for our summer reading program.
This is my first idea for an old classic, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The treat is just Rolos topped with M&Ms, served on a tissue paper leaf with jimmies for antenna (and don’t forget to trim out some teeth marks!). It took me all of 2 minutes and the boys were ecstatic. And this idea goes perfectly with the library playdate idea from Family Fun magazine that I blogged about a few weeks ago!
Happy Monday everyone and as always, I hope you’re inspired!
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