I don’t know about you, but I want my kids to be emotionally intelligent. Being great at math is wonderful. Being able to throw a perfect spiral football is great. But what about all the day to day life situations … I want my kids to have the social skills to be able to handle them.
This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and EQtainment, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #Qsracetothetop http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV
Sometimes I find it difficult to get my kids talking. You know, about how they “think about” and how they “should” react to social situations. It’s hard to sit down and have those talks so we as parents end up teaching as we go… hopefully by example… but also usually when something goes wrong. {wink}
Well, there is a new board game, Q’s Race to the Top. It’s fun… but more than that, it helps kids to talk about things that they might not normally open up to you about… or even think about: how to react in social situations.
I played this game with my boys. I actually found it more beneficial to play with them separately so that I got their true opinion. Not what the other brother thought. It was interesting.
Emotional intelligence is one of those critically important aspects that we pray our children leave the house with each day. We can’t be there to shield them, but we can help guide them to know how to respond in positive and negative social situations. The problem is, many things happen to them throughout the day that we didn’t even think to prepare them for.
This is where Q’s Race to the Top comes in. Through a series of strategic questions you can get your kids (unaware) talking, sharing and giggling their way to the top of the board, all while you’re learning and teaching.
Watch The Video:
And now hop over and find out more about Q’s Race to the Top and all the amazing things a product like this can do to help children grow emotionally. I know I personally want my children to be able to handle what life throws at them!
And please consider participating in the kickstarter campaign too. It’s a great cause. The creator, a mom, not only wants us to be able to purchase this game for our children, but to be able to give it to less fortunate children in low income families.
You can also find more on their social media channels:
- Facebook: @EQtainment
- Twitter: @EQtainment
- Instagram: @EQtainment
- Pinterest: @EQtainment
As always, I hope you’re inspired to craft, bake, create and celebrate!