Okay, so it has taken us way too long to get on FaceBook. And now that we have, I thought it might be fun to have a giveaway!
- Here’s how it works: For every 100 people who fan us on FaceBook, we’ll give away a set of our printable collections (winner’s choice):
- slumber party,
- bugs & butterflies (featured in Mom magazine this month),
- buzz,
- peapod baby shower (featured in Pregnancy magazine this month),
- on the farm,
- princess,
- owl couple,
- woodland fairy,
- dinosaur,
- something blue bridal shower,
- train, or
- baby bump.
- Duration: April 20, through Friday, April 23, at midnight.
- How to enter: Fan us on FaceBook through the link to the left and leave a greeting. {I love talking with you guys!}
- What you get out of becoming a fan:
- regular updates on new collections,
- a forum to tell us what you’d like us to be working on {wink},
- coupon codes,
- first dibs on freebies (next one scheduled for late May),
- and so much more.
Please join us!