It’s difficult to express how grateful I am for all my customers and readers, you all mean so very much to me. I’m terribly blessed to be able to make a career out of doing what I love. I wish that for all of us! And since I like to give “little happies” now and again, I thought this would be the perfect way to thank you all for such a fabulous year. So while we were developing our Mod Candy Cane collection I decided to create a mini printable collection for those sweet gifts we tend to give this time of year. It includes: snowflake circles, I recommend a 2.5″ circle punch but scissors will do the trick, and rectangle tags that say “Have a sweet day.”
Plus these recipe cards, both pre-filled with the Peppermint Cookie Bark recipe (above) and blank ones so you can send any goodies you like!
Here’s how you get them:
If you’re already signed up to receive special offers you’ll be receiving an e-mail with your free printables in the next day or so.
If you’re not, join us by signing up in the “receive special offers!” box at the top of my blog and get not only this Christmas printable gift, but regular updates about new collections, crafts, sweet ideas, future freebies, offers and so much more! And don’t forget to tell us with a comment on this post that you signed up as an entry in the giveaway too! (NOTE: We’ll e-mail the printables once daily through Saturday.)
Facebook fans will find the link on our wall.
Twitter followers will find the link in my timeline.
And for all the Columbus Parent Magazine readers, thanks for stopping in! This printable is especially great for those of us who want to spread a little cheer without breaking the Christmas budget. I’m personally giving Peppermint Cookie Bark this year. YUM! {Sorry to ruin the surprise for those who are reading this!} And since it’s already snowing here, I may even have the boys pull my snowflake jars (found them at the Dollar Tree a few weeks ago) around the neighborhood in their little wagon, sort of like those Smuckers jelly commercials… we are in Ohio after all! {wink}
I thought this would also be a lovely time to give everyone a chance to win the entire Mod Candy Cane collection. You can have up to six chances! Here’s how:
- Comment on this post sharing either your very favorite collection from The Celebration Shoppe or tell me about a party idea you’d like to see us create in our 2011 collection. We’re working to finalize the list for the next six months so it’s perfect timing and I would love your input!
- Become a fan of The Celebration Shoppe on Facebook and comment on this post.
- Follow The Celebration Shoppe on Twitter, tweet about it and comment on this post.
- Subscribe to our RSS feed at the left of the blog or let us know you are a subscriber with a comment on this post.
- Sign up for offers in the box in the upper right corner of my blog and comment on this post. (This is the best way to ensure you get the freebie above and all future freebies too!)
- Spread the word (on your facebook page, on your blog, etc.) and comment how on this post.
The Mod Candy Cane collection winner will be selected and e-mailed on Saturday at 8 a.m. ET. Best of luck to everyone and again, THANK YOU for a fabulous year! {The giveaway is now closed. The winner is comment #57, Jenny D.!}