This morning we’re going to be showing Gail Hogan of NBC’s Daytime Columbus how to make these soooo cute, if I do say so myself, ladybug and dragonfly headbands. These are wonderful for bugs and butterflies party favors or just for pretend play.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- ¾ inch (at least) headband
- ¾ inch ribbon, grosgrain is shown
- pipe cleaner (one for straight antenna and two for curly)
- pom poms
- glue gun
And here’s how you make these super easy buggy headbands:
- Bend your pipe cleaner in the center and then again about a half inch on both sides so that you have a inch to inch-and-a-half base. Apply the base of your pipe cleaner to the middle of the headband with a strip of hot glue. (TIP: If you want curly antenna, use two pipe cleaners. Curl one end around your finger and bend the ends about ¾ inch to apply to the headband.)
- Bend the tips of your pipe cleaner outward about a ¼ inch and hot glue on your pom poms.
- Clip two one inch sections of ribbon to cover the ends of your headband. Apply each piece with a dot of glue on both sides.
- Apply a dot of glue on the inside of the headband, on top of the ribbon you just placed to cover the ends, and wrap your ribbon around in a straight line to cover any exposed headband. Continue to wrap your headband angling your ribbon with each turn and gluing as you go.
- When you reach the pipe cleaner, get your ribbon as close to it as possible and then overlap it on the opposite side being careful not to leave exposed headband.
- Keep going until you’ve covered the entire headband and end your ribbon on the inside.
If you prefer to see how this is done, we’ll post the “how to” video here on our blog by Friday.