Earth Day is April 22, only a few short weeks away, and these are some of the adorable Earth Day activities and crafts I’m thinking of trying with my kiddos.
I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a tree hugger {grin}, but I do love all things God made, all natural elements of this world. We live in Ohio and spend much of the winter hibernating… or throwing snowballs and sledding down hills for fleeting moments in a four month abyss. But the rest of the year, we’re hiking, biking, running, walking, swimming… and on and on in this big beautiful outdoor world of ours.
These are just a few of the Earth Day projects I’m considering. I think we’ll start with the simple paper mache earth… but the terrariums will be a close second.
- Mason jar terrariums with Country Living
- Mini Earth Tissue Paper Project from Meet The Dubiens
- Paper Bag Trash Monster with Parents
- Earth Day handprint art with Stylish Trendy
- Earth Day Balloons with Melissa and Doug
- Paper Mache Earth with Paging Supermom on One Charming Party
- Earth Day Suncatcher from CrissCross Applesauce
This Earth Day I hope you’ll take the time to share with your littles the importance of loving God’s amazing Earth. It’s not just beautiful, our protection of it is our future.
Something else you might like:
Earth Day Activities for Kids, Woodland Fairy Terrarium, The Way Kids See It We Can Change The World.
As always, thanks for celebrating the everyday with me!